Biofield Aura Scan

Your Wellness in Colours from the inside out Get your own Aura Photo’s

In your appointment we will analyse your wellbeing from this scan, helping to detect pre-symptoms.

You will get 4 or more photos of your aura from our specialised Biofield camera.

If you are interested, we can also look at issues involving your consciousness and how that integrates into your overall wellbeing.

Copies of your photos will be emailed directly to you.

How Does it Work?

The Biofield Aura scan detects inflammation throughout your body which is a primary cause of disease.

Your Biofield Aura scan will help to

1. Provide a smart picture analysis of your wellbeing.
2. Give the picture to help understand the results of your My Ewa – Epigenetics Wellbeing Assessment
3. Give a fast overview of the workings of your energy systems

Don’t delay, book now to get a comprehensive Biofield Aura scan to help you on your wellness journey.