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Dr Daryl Turner Videos on Thyroid Health

Videos with Dr Daryl Turner PhD

Hormone specialist and expert on thyroid disease, and inventor of the Thyroflex thyroid assessment machine.

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Why Thyroid Health is Important 7:24

Dr Turner describes some thyroid symptoms, and explains how high or hyperthyroidism can lead to Graves’ disease; and how low or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can lead to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a dangerous autoimmune disease.

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Hormone Health & Healthy Ageing 2:04

Dr Daryl Turner, one of the world’s foremost experts on thyroid health, explains how hormone health affects aging. He says that by attending to thyroid health we can reduce the chance of Alzheimer’s and other diseases of aging.

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Is Kelp or Iodine Supplement Better? 1:59

Dr Turner explains why proper iodine supplementation is better than kelp because it contains a synergistic blend of iodine and iodide for maximum effectiveness.