Is your body nutritionally balanced for life?


Is the environment affecting your overall wellness? 

Modern day living has many common influences that can have an impact on and affect your body’s underlying wellness. These include foods eaten and nutrients absorbed: along with many common environmental influences at home and work. Collectively, these are known as epigenetics. 

Scientists now understand that your genes are largely influenced by the environment; up to 98% in some cases. These eye-opening developments can take you down a different path where your genetic inheritance no longer controls you and instead you become empowered and in control of your own destiny. 

How hair is used to assess health

Now, personal epigenetic indicators can be mapped for you in less than 15 minutes with only four strands of hair, using the Cell Wellbeing Digital S-Drive system at Global Health Clinics in Takapuna, Auckland. 

Hair is an amazing, almost indestructible, bio-marker that carries a lot of personal information at a quantum epigenetic level. Your hair samples are digitally processed and sent via a secure internet connection to our technology center in Hamburg, Germany. There, our powerful super-computer systems map the relevancy of the epigenetic information. 

Over 800 key wellness indicators are mapped and used to create the charts and tables which make up the complete report and 90 day plan. 

What is in the Optimize Wellness Report?

The Optimize Wellness Nutritional Report contains epigenetic indicators on these key influences:

  • The 23 major groups of antioxidants
  • Environmental challenges
  • Diet, including food additives
  • The 15 most common vitamins
  • The 16 everyday minerals
  • The 23 amino acids
  • The essential fatty acids – omegas 3, 6 and 9
  • Electromagnetic frequency interference with your body
  • Resistance indicators

Each influence is ranked by relevancy, providing a list of priorities to address for the next 90 days.

The Optimize Wellness recommendations

Apart from the nine wellness categories above your Optimize Wellness Report will also have the following:

  • A list of food restrictions to leave out for 90 days.
  • A list of food additives to avoid and common additive information.
  • A 90-day wellness plan, including nutrients, water and lifestyle factors.
  • A list of foods to increase or add to your intake.
  • Self-check sheets to help you keep track of progress.
  • Supporting information on all categories.

What happens at the end of 90 days?

After you have followed the simple and easily-achievable 90-day programme, you will have another Cell Wellbeing hair analysis to see the changes. You can then choose to do another 90-day plan to further improve your health. In this way, you will be constantly fine-tuning your diet and lifestyle habits, and making choices to optimise health.


I’m interested! What should I do?

Discover the answers in just 20 minutes using our non-invasive German technology and receive your own personalized Optimize Wellness Nutritional Report. It’s time to unlock your epigenetic potential and achieve optimum wellness!

The 90-day Optimize Wellness Nutritional Report awakens you to your epigenetic potential and can be an invaluable tool in assisting with your dietary and nutritional choices; as well as influencing your lifestyle considerations and environmental decisions.

Talk to a wellness professional at Global Health Clinics, who can advise you on the food and nutritional intake for you to get the most out of your personalized report.

Ask about the 90-day Optimize Wellness Nutritional Report today!

Want to go ahead?

Book a Cell Wellbeing hair assessment and get your 90 day Optimize Wellness Nutritional Report today!

Dr Bruce Lipton PhD, cell biologist and best-selling author, explains epigenetics

Dr Bruce Lipton PhD explains Epigenetics
Dr Bruce Lipton PhD explains Epigenetics

Global Health Clinics 409 Lake Rd, Takapuna, Auckland 0622