Vitalizing card & 5x Discs


YES there is a product that can enhance YOU, your energy, your drinking liquids and all of your food.
By reducing the cellular and physical stress caused from invisible environmental electromagnetic pollutants.


Harmonize your own life frequencies

The ever present, invisible, radiation from Electro Magnetic Waves interfere with our body’s natural processes which can impact sleep, hormone production, our immune system and our ability to self-heal.

Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 Hz. The wave frequency in the Human cavity modulates between 6 and 8 Hz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range.  Thus our brain and our entire biological system is in unison with earth. Controlling the frequencies and resonances we can improve the state of mankind.

Add some taste to drinks and foods

When using the Vitalizing Card or even its recharging Phone App directly on any beverages or liquids, nearly everyone notices an improved freshness and bouquet in the taste and smell. The reason for this is that most liquids conduct invisible electro static wave forms, which polarise and reduce the liquids molecular energies. By reviving the natural molecular structure of the liquids, the taste and freshness recover. The Vitalizing Card natural frequencies correct the negative impacts of environmental electrical pollutants conducted by all liquids. The results are easy to detect in dramatic improvements in taste and smell. Even in alcoholic beverages everything tastes fresh and even has a longer shelf life. You will also notice that the liquids surface tension is reduced and that the liquids colour is brighter. Reducing surface tension in liquids is recognised as being important, as the liquid becomes more hydratious at the cellular level. One note of advice is not to use the smart card in fizzy drinks. This is because natural frequencies ‘lock in’ the bubbles so fizzy drink taste flat.

Minimise the effects from electrical radiation

Electromagnetic radiation and their derived frequencies (EMFs) are silent and invisible pollutants, which surround us in our daily lives. These invisible pollutants have become part of everyday life as we use the convenience of electrical appliances such as, TV monitors, computers, microwaves, WI-FI, GPS locators, Mobile appliances, etc. These same pollutants are conducted by your drinking water, your juice, as liquids are magnificent conductors of electricity. Use the Vitalizing Card to reduce the negative stressors of the invisible electrical charges. All of your liquids will taste immediately fresh, become softer and thus even more hydrating.

Lessens environmental disharmony

Environmental disharmony caused by the interference from negative frequencies also implode to drinking water. Radiation from EMF, (Electro Magnetic Frequencies), radiate into our cells and disrupt our body’s natural balance and can play havoc with the millions of electrical impulses that the body uses to regulate all cellular activity. We are sensitive natural bioelectric beings.


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