Rongoā Māori Practitioner Hauraki or Takapuna Based
Lisa Edmondson
Holistic Health Practitioner | Rongoā Māori Practitioner
Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Lisa Edmondson tōku ingoa. Ko Kotirana te whakapaparanga mai, Ko Itāria te taha o ngā tupuna o tōku whānau. Ko Tāmaki Makaurau te whenua tupu, Ko Takāpuna te kāinga. Nō Aotearoa ahau, kei Takāpuna au e noho ana.
He Pākehā au, e mihi ana ki ngā iwi o te rohe, Ko Ngāti Paoa te iwi, Ko te tangata whenua o te rohe e noho nei au. Ko Takarunga me Rangitoto ngā maunga e paingia nei au, Ko Waitematā te moana e whakawātea ana i aku māharahara.
Nō reira, e mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, O Ngāti Paoa me ngā iwi o tēnei rohe. E noho nei au, e kakahu ana i ngā whenua tapu o te tangata whenua.
Ko Aotearoa te kāinga nui, Ko Tāmaki Makaurau te wahi o tōku manawa. Tēnei whenua hei kāinga moku, Mō tōku whānau, mō ō mātou tamariki.
Tēnā tātou katoa.
Greetings to you all, My name is Lisa Edmondson. I descend from Scotland, And Italy is also part of my family heritage. Tamaki Makaurau is my ancestral homeland, Takapuna is where I call home. I am from Aotearoa, and I live in Takapuna.
I am of Pākehā descent, and I acknowledge the iwi of this region, Ngāti Paoa is the iwi, The tangata whenua of the areas where I live. Takarunga and Rangitoto are the mountains I hold dear, Waitemata is the sea that eases my worries.
Therefore, I acknowledge the landmarks of the past, The ancestral and spiritual lands of Ngāti Paoa and the iwi of this region. Where I live, enveloped in the sacred lands of the tangata whenua.
Aotearoa is the great land, Tamaki Makaurau is where my heart lies. This land is home for me, For my family, and for our children.
Greetings to us all.
Lisa is mentored by experienced Rongoa specialists Anah Angelean Wara and her team at Te Ware Rongoa VBC 931.
A Message from Lisa Edmondson
I am deeply grateful for the wisdom and teachings of this land and its people, and it is my privilege to walk this journey of healing and well-being in alignment with the natural world.
I am a certified Holistic Health Coach with a diverse background in health and wellness. I hold a Bachelor of Health Science (BHS) in Nursing, a Master’s in Public Health, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, and a Master’s in Holistic Health Coaching.
My approach to health is deeply rooted in rongoā Māori – the traditional Māori healing practices that honour the connection between people, the whenua (land), and the natural world. Rongoā is not simply about remedies but about understanding and nurturing the sacred relationship between people and the earth. Through karakia (prayers), breathwork, meditation, mindfulness, mirimiri (massage), and whitiwhiti kōrero (dialogue), I support individuals in releasing negative energies, restoring balance, and cultivating well-being.

Central to my work is the wisdom of whakapapa (genealogy), which emphasizes the role of our ancestors and the land in shaping who we are today. I am privileged to have learned from Māori communities and witnessed the profound healing power of these traditions. The integration of ancestral wisdom with modern health practices is transformative, not just for individuals, but for the collective.
I incorporate Te Whare Tapa Whā as a holistic framework in my coaching, which focuses on the four dimensions of well-being: Taha Tinana (physical health), Taha Wairua (spiritual health), Taha Hinengaro (mental health), and Taha Whānau (family and social health). This model aligns with my belief that true health involves the harmonious balance of mind, body, spirit, and community.
I specialise in:
- Female Hormones & Mental Well-being
- Metabolic Nutrition & Healthy Fertility
- Pregnancy & Postnatal Health
- Cultural Healing Practices (Including Rongoā Māori, Mirimiri, Bodywork, and Cleansing)
- Whānau Support
By blending modern science with traditional wisdom, I help my clients make meaningful, sustainable changes in their lives. Through lifestyle medicine and personalized coaching, I guide individuals to optimal health outcomes that are grounded in both evidence-based practices and ancestral teachings.
My work is about creating a safe space where healing can occur in all dimensions—body, mind, spirit, and family. Whether through one-on-one sessions or small group kōrero, I support individuals in overcoming challenges, releasing negative patterns, and embracing holistic well-being.
I honour the Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi) as a guiding document in Aotearoa, ensuring that the principles of Partnership, Protection, and Participation shape all aspects of my mahi.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. I acknowledge you all, and I look forward to walking this path with you.