Global Health Clinic
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We offer a range of health assessments using advanced technologies with Epigenetics and Lifestyle Medicine. They are gentle and safe, and provide fast, accurate, almost instantaneous results.

Optimise Your Life with the New Science of Epigenetics.

My Wellbeing Epigenetics Assessment Program

We Assess 800 of Your Epigenetic Markers including food sensitivities quickly with only 4-6 strands of your hair and follicle to empower you with Better Living Solutions (Postal Options are Available).

Gain a picture of your Wellness with Live and Dry Blood Analysis

Live and Dry Blood Analysis

From just two drops of blood, we can perform two tests with over 40 parameters investigated.
Live Blood Analysis allows you to see your blood cells in magnified in real time! Dry blood analysis (also referred to as the Oxidative Stress Test) allows us to assess oxidative stress by observing several anomalies.

Testing thyroid health has just become easier, faster, and more accurate!

Thyroid Health

Testing thyroid health has just become easier, faster, and more accurate! The Thyroflex™ Test uses a method of testing your reflexes, and combined with other parameters, gives a result that is 98.5% accurate – non-invasively, and within 15 minutes!

Gain a picture of your Wellness with a Heart Coherence Test

Stress Assessment

We use emWave, the Heartmath™ Heart Coherence Test to assess stress objectively then apply Multiple Brain Integration Techniques or other advanced treatments to help you back into balance.

Your Wellness in Colours from the inside out

Biofield Aura Scan

The Biofield Aura scan detects inflammation throughout your body which is a primary cause of disease.