These man made frequencies we use in much of our modern technology de-structure water and therefor affect our blood, which is 93% water and most of our cells. Our blood becomes more acidic and our cells lose some of their electrical charge meaning, blood cells clump making circulation much more difficult.
We have an epigenetics scanner that can detect EMF interference to cellular wellbeing if anyone is interested.
We’ve tested a few thousand people so far and about 40% are electrically sensitive as a priority. It will be available through a postal system soon. DNA has a precise mathematical formula which obviously experiences an interference pattern when disharmonic frequencies exist in a biological system.
The microbiome of the gut is particularly sensitive to disturbing frequencies as we know when we feel fear, anger or nerves with knots or butterflies in our stomach. Digestion is affected and we further lose energy.
Earthing is important whether naturally with bare feet on grass or sand, or using earthing mats which plug in to the earth section of our dwelling or office.
See our shop for earthing mats or devices which are programmed to help provide biologically harmonic frequencies.

Pc: The Miracle of water- Masaru Emoto

Pc: The Miracle of water- Masaru Emoto

Pc: The Miracle of water- Masaru Emoto
For more information contact or book with John Coombs
Global Health Clinics, 409 Lake Rd Takapuna Auckland 0622