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At Global Health Clinics, we provide a comprehensive range of health and wellbeing services and programmes. We also offer various assessments to help determine your current state of health and wellbeing and provide tailored programmes to suit individual needs.

We have a whole person approach while committed to the 4 pillars of health and wellbeing: integrated mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness. Our services and therapies are designed to complement each other while optimising your wellbeing.

We treat the causes not the symptoms.

Contact us today to discuss what is best for you.


Our services include:

Anti-aging Wellbeing Programme

Ajna Light Therapy

Bioptron Light

Bio-pulse Detox Therapy

Blood – Live Blood Analysis

Clinical Hypnotherapy


Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Energy and Vitality Wellbeing Programme

Epigenetic Wellbeing Assessment

Fatigue Programme

HBOT – Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

HOCATT – Spa Ozone Therapy

Hormone Programmes

Immunity Assessment

Light therapy

Manaki massage


Multiple Brain Integration Techniques (mBIT)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Ozone Therapy

Peak Performance Wellbeing Programme

Personal Values Coaching

Phone and Video Consultations


Raindrop Technique



Rongoā Māori Practitioner

Stress Assessment for Heart Wellbeing

Therapeutic and Relaxation Massage

Thyroflex Thyroid Testing

Weight loss wellbeing programme