Frequently asked questions about ozone and HOCATT™ ozone therapy

Woman inside Hocatt (closeup 1)

What is ozone? Ozone is enhanced oxygen, comprising three or more oxygen atoms to form a reactive molecule which is highly effective as a natural antibiotic and disinfectant, commonly used to treat swimming pools, spas and drinking water. The HOCATT™ is an advanced ozone spa in a capsule, which combines ozone with steam, infrared sauna, […]

Ozone Generators for the Home

home ozonators

John Coombs, Wellbeing Specialist and CEO of Global Health Clinics, explains the many uses of the home ozone generator. Ozone is a form of oxygen that is strongly antibacterial, and can be used to purify water, vegetables, meat, and the surrounding air. Ozone Generators can be purchased at Global Health Clinics. Call us on +64(0)9 […]