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Frequently asked questions about ozone and HOCATT™ ozone therapy

Woman inside Hocatt (closeup 1)

What is ozone?

Ozone is enhanced oxygen, comprising three or more oxygen atoms to form a reactive molecule which is highly effective as a natural antibiotic and disinfectant, commonly used to treat swimming pools, spas and drinking water. The HOCATT™ is an advanced ozone spa in a capsule, which combines ozone with steam, infrared sauna, microcurrent therapy, breathing oxygen, and other optional therapies – all in one treatment session.

Is ozone safe?

Ozone is an age-old natural healing modality and a well-researched therapy, with numerous studies published in medical journals worldwide, including PubMed.

Ozone has outstanding safety records and clinically-observed efficacy in many types of diseases, due to its antioxidant stimulation and energy production capabilities. All the modalities of HOCATT™ have been shown to be safe, and the HOCATT™ is CE safety certified.

Who would benefit from ozone and HOCATT™?

Everyone! This includes those who:

  • Are well and want to maintain or improve performance
  • Want to lose weight
  • Want to improve appearance or slow aging
  • Have auto-immune disease
  • Are suffering from parasites
  • Have acute or chronic pain
  • Want to have faster post-operative recovery

The HOCATT™ is so versatile that almost everyone can benefit from HOCATT™ therapy.

How long are the sessions? How many do I need?

HOCATT™ ozone spa sessions are usually 30 minutes. Usually 2-3 sessions a week are recommended, but in some cases daily treatments are needed to begin with. For those wishing to maintain health, a couple of sessions a month are good.


Will ozone and HOCATT™ interfere with my current medications?

In most cases, HOCATT™ ozone therapy is very complementary to conventional medications, often enhancing their efficacy. HOCATT therapy promotes absorption and bio-availability of nutrients when taking vitamin and minrela supplements. 

We have seen cases of chemotherapy patients experiencing reduced side effects and also enhanced efficacy of treatment. You need to consult your doctor to discuss ozone therapy in conjunction with oncological treatment.

Is HOCATT™ safe for conceiving, pregnant, and breastfeeding women?

Ozone therapy is recommended for women planning to conceive, especially if they have vaginal infections preventing conception. It is also safe for breastfeeding women. It is advised NOT to undergo any ozone treatment during the first 3 months of pregnancy, as it is during this time that the foetus is most vulnerable.

Can I use HOCATT™ if I am menstruating?

Ozone therapy is contraindicated during menstruation, as it dilates the arteries and may increase blood flow, causing leakages during and after the treatment. 

What are the contraindications of ozone therapy?

While ozone therapy is generally safe, it is contraindicated during fevers, menstruation, blood flow issues such as active bleedng, recent heart attack, 1st trimester of pregnancy, excessively low blood pressure, and during use of alcohol or drugs.

Where can I get HOCATT ozone spa therapy?

If you are in Auckland, one of the best places to get HOCATT™ therapy is Global Health Clinics in Takapuna. Situated in a beautiful large villa, you are welcomed and made comfortable so you totally enjoy the experience and come out relaxed, refreshed, revitalised, and glowing!

Find out more about ozone therapy and HOCATT™

Call on (09) 488 0208 to find out about our packages, to arrange a visit to view our facilities, or to make a booking.