Introducing – Lemurian Springs Alkaline Mineral Water

Introducing a new product we have in stock, pure structured Alkaline mineral water with a touch of Himalayan salt. The perfect water to help slow down cellular ageing.

Product Description:

  • Powerful weight-loss catalyst
  • Complex structure transforms cell health
  • O2 & negative ion rich for optimum performance
  • Organic salt maximizes cell hydration
  • Quickly flushes toxins from cells
  • Accelerates healing
  • Rejuvenates hair, skin and nails
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Aids digestions
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Smooth tasting without obvious saltiness

Care Instructions:
This is living water and has unique properties. It is essential that it is kept out of the sun and either refrigerated or stored in a cool place. A type of healthy spirulina will grow on the bottle if left in direct sunlight. This does not affect the water quality.

In stock:

  • Lemurian Springs Water 20L $60
  • Lemurian Springs High Alkaline Water – 10LBag + Box $20
  • Lemurian Springs Alkaline Mineral Water 20L $50


To order give a call today on 09 488 0208