Part 3 – Helpful Tips for Recovering Your Energy

This is part 3 of a series of 3 blog posts to help you learn about the adrenal glands, identify and combat adrenal fatigue. For those who find they are suffering with adrenal fatigue (see previous blog post), great news:  there’s lots you can do about it!

  1. Make Restoring your Energy a Priority
  • If you want to feel better, and get your health back in balance, you will have to take action, and adjust aspects of your lifestyle. This may mean saying no to some engagements in order to give yourself time to rest, or delegating certain tasks to others in order to avoid additional stress while you are recovering.
  1. Sleep
  • Aim to get to bed no later than 10pm each night
  • On weekends, and whenever possible, allow yourself to sleep in until 9am. This should help you feel more refreshed.
  1. Food and Drink
  • Combine starchy carbohydrates, protein and fats at every meal
  • Each day, aim for: 30-40% whole grains, 30-40% vegetables (a wide variety), 10-20% animal products, 10-15% beans, nuts and seeds, and 5-10% fruits.
  • Choose whole and organic foods whenever you can
  • Always eat your first meal before 10am
  • Chew every mouthful as many times as possible
  • Salt your food
  • Avoid caffeine, e.g. in coffee and tea. Choose herbal and caffeine-free drinks instead
  • Avoid white flour products and sugary foods and drinks
  1. Physical Exercise                                                          
  • Make time to do an enjoyable form of exercise at least 5 times a week if possible, even if you feel tired. It has many benefits, including normalising your cortisol, blood glucose and insulin levels, reducing depression and improving circulation.
  1. Supplements
  • Dr James Wilson has formulated supplements specifically targeted to combat adrenal fatigue and restore adrenal function. For more information on these, please see:
  • Please speak with our clinic director, John Coombs.
  1. Take Time Out
  • Allowing for unstructured, restful time on a regular basis helps prevent feeling overwhelmed, especially during the course of a busy day or week. If you feel very sleepy, it’s good to listen to your body, lie down and nap for 15-30 minutes (if your situation allows).
  1. Laughter
  • Make time for yourself each day to have a laugh, which can be through spending time with good friends, watching comedy shows, or doing activities you find funny. Laughter releases stress and helps the adrenal glands to recover. Smiling (even without a reason) is also a great way to lift your mood.
  1. Relaxation and Breathing Exercises
  • Find a time each day that works for you, for example in the morning, after exercise or just before bed. Sit quietly for 5 minutes in a comfortable position and inhale, then exhale slowly and deeply, allowing your belly to expand as you inhale and listening to the soft flow of air in and out.
  1. Identify and Avoid Energy-Robbers
  • If you find your environment is making you feel unhappy, get organised, have a clear-out or give a neglected room a makeover. It is amazing how much difference this can make!
  • Limit contact time with people who leave you feeling drained, and try to spend more time around those who help you feel energised.
  • If you are stressed about a work or home situation, take the steps to address this, e.g. changing the job that you really dislike in favour of something that truly suits your strengths/personality can make you feel so much better.
  1. Educate Yourself!                                         
  • If you wish to learn more about adrenal fatigue and how you can improve your energy levels, the following resources should really help in finding out additional information:
  • Thompson, L. (2014), High Energy Happiness. Auckland: Penguin Group
  • Wilson, Dr James (2001), Adrenal Fatigue: The 2st Century Stress Syndrome. Petaluma: Smart Publication