We help empower you to master your own wellbeing and destiny.
Your personal epigenetic indicators can be conveniently mapped for you with only 4-8 strands of hair, using our FDA compliant Bio Information Processor.
You get a comprehensive health and wellbeing report along with a 35-minute phone consultation explaining the key priorities in your program. This is based on your test results, compared with your personal questionnaire so you can maximise the benefits and streamline your epigenetics on a pathway to optimal health and wellbeing.
Hair is an amazing, almost indestructible biomarker. It stores a lot of personal information at a quantum epigenetic level as well as the basic biochemicals which are prolific in your follicles. Your hair samples are digitally processed and sent via a secure internet connection to our technology centre in Germany.
Our powerful super-computer systems map the relevancy of the epigenetic information. Over 800 key wellness indicators are graded and prioritized into the report with easy to read charts and tables for your 90-Day optimal wellbeing and immunity plan.
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