Easy and Quick Lunch Ideas

Preparation is key to healthy living, but I know and understand how busy everyone’s lives are these days. It can be a real challenge trying to work full time, run a family, keep up with friends and family commitments, exercise regularly all whilst trying to maintain a healthy eating habits. I do want to remind […]

Eat This Not That – Easy Weight Loss Swaps

This list makes it almost too easy for you to get healthier. Healthy eating can take time, but making small changes on a daily or weekly basis can do wonders for your health! Try incorporating some of these food swaps to help shed that additional hard to move weight. White bread/bagels à for sourdough or […]

Why You Need To Increase Your B Vitamins For Energy Production

Food is fuel. Thinking about what you put into your body is important, because this is what will give you the energy to get through long busy days. The B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins which are essential for our health. We must consume them daily through our diet because B vitamins can’t […]

The Importance Of Protein In Your Diet

More often than not I have to emphasize the importance of protein in my client’s diet, which is why I decided to write a blog post about it. Protein is actually one of the most important parts of a healthy diet. It seems to me that many people nowadays are still under the impression that protein is going to make us ‘bulky’. […]