Eat This Not That – Easy Weight Loss Swaps

This list makes it almost too easy for you to get healthier. Healthy eating can take time, but making small changes on a daily or weekly basis can do wonders for your health! Try incorporating some of these food swaps to help shed that additional hard to move weight. White bread/bagels à for sourdough or […]

6 Unexpected Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight 

We see a lot of clients for weight loss who have tried everything under the sun but are still unable to lose weight. Some of our clients even have the perfect diet but still can’t lose weight. Weight loss doesn’t always come down to calories in vs calories out. There are numerous things that could […]

Why You Need To Increase Your B Vitamins For Energy Production

Food is fuel. Thinking about what you put into your body is important, because this is what will give you the energy to get through long busy days. The B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins which are essential for our health. We must consume them daily through our diet because B vitamins can’t […]

The Importance Of Protein In Your Diet

More often than not I have to emphasize the importance of protein in my client’s diet, which is why I decided to write a blog post about it. Protein is actually one of the most important parts of a healthy diet. It seems to me that many people nowadays are still under the impression that protein is going to make us ‘bulky’. […]

Keep Your Immune System In Check This Winter With These Simple Steps

Don’t wait until it’s too late! With winter around the corner it’s time to up your nutritional game and put some steps in place to keep your immune system and energy levels strong. Preserving and improving your nutritional status is vital if you want to obtain a strong immune system. “Let food be thy medicine”, […]

Use Nutrition To Combat Tiredness

‘Why do I feel tired all the time?’ If that’s a question you regularly ask yourself, you may well put it down to long working days or too many late nights out and your response may well be a good night’s sleep and some relaxation time. However, it is well worth considering the role that […]

Vitamin C – An Important Nutrient For Your Adrenal Glands

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient that we need to ingest daily from our diet as it cannot be produced by the body. Vitamin C can be found in all sorts of delicious fresh fruits and vegetables such as berries, papaya, pineapple, citrus fruits, capsicum, broccoli, leafy greens. One factor to consider when consuming these […]

Sugar and Your Health, Part 2

Written By: Shona Taunton Your Sugar Intake ‘Everything in moderation’ is a commonly heard phrase. But just how much is a moderate quantity of sugar? And does this moderate quantity keep you healthy, without adverse health effects? The following questions can be a helpful starting point to ask yourself in finding out if you would […]

Eat Your Way to Flawless Looking Skin

Cosmetics and skin care products are always thought to be very beneficial in treating skin conditions like, wrinkles, dry or oily skin, acne, inflammation etc. Though, treating the skin with topical cosmetics does very little to address the root cause of the blemishes. The skin is one of the main organs that gets rid of […]

Healthy Thyroid Equals Healthy Mind and Body

Our thyroid could be thought of as the headquarters of our body, as every major metabolic function of the body is regulated through this organ. The thyroid is butterfly shaped and situated in the base of your neck. The thyroid gland releases hormones in your body that are responsible for regulating vital functions such as: […]