Sleep – The Wonder Cure, Part 2

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Sleep – The Wonder Cure, Part 1

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How to Stay Mobile in Later Life

Written By: Admin We all want to age gracefully, and the idea of becoming immobile and stuck in a chair in later years is not an appealing prospect! So what can we do to prevent this? Read on for some helpful tips. ‘If you don’t move, you won’t move!’ Consider the two images above. Ask […]

Feel-Good Exercise for Your Mind & Body

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies, but did you know that there are heaps of benefits for your brain as well? Being active triggers release of chemicals called endorphins which act to make you feel good and think more clearly.  When choosing a form of exercise it’s important that you find […]

Reasons to Get Active!

active exercise

Written By: Admin Struggling to feel motivated to get off that sofa? We know that physical activity and exercise have huge benefits for your health and wellbeing. What you might not appreciate is just how many there are, and the risks to your long-term health if you don’t move enough!  Here is a list to […]

Having a bad day? Turn it around with these 7 easy wellness tips…

  Express gratitude. Write down all the things you are thankful for in your life, which will put the troubles of the day into perspective. Make a list of all your favourite things to do. Now choose one and do it straight away! Speak or spend time with a friend or family member who makes […]

Just Breathe… Your Way to Better Health

Every day we take around 20,000 breaths, mostly unconsciously. We breathe to give oxygen to our bodies and remove waste carbon dioxide.  But is that all there is to it? Read on to discover more about how you can take control of your breathing to create changes that can decrease stress, improve your mood and […]

Sugar and Your Health, Part 2

Written By: Shona Taunton Your Sugar Intake ‘Everything in moderation’ is a commonly heard phrase. But just how much is a moderate quantity of sugar? And does this moderate quantity keep you healthy, without adverse health effects? The following questions can be a helpful starting point to ask yourself in finding out if you would […]

Sugar and Your Health, Part 1

Written By: Shona Taunton Sugar is very much in the headlines these days, in documentaries and in films, so if you’re curious to know the reasons, read on to find out more… The Research A number of the highest quality forms of research (meta-analysis and systemic reviews, randomised controlled trials and cohort studies) have brought […]