One of the most attractive aspects of ozone therapy is its wide clinical application. Ozone therapy plays a significant role in the management of diabetes, chronic infections, autoimmune disease, immune disorders, and the infirmities of ageing, pain, and sickle cell anaemia. Topical applications are effective for bacterial and mycotic dermatological infections, both acute and chronic […]
Ozone Healing Gel Has Many Common Uses

Ozone Healing Gel sometimes known as the “Everything Gel”, is a powerful, safe, 100% natural alternative to addressing a wide variety of skin ailments and sore throats including: acne, asthma, beauty aid, bed sores, bee stings, blisters, boils, burns, chilblains, candida, cold sores, cuts, nappy rash, dry skin, eczema, ear infections, fistulae, fungal growths & infections, gingivitis, hair loss, haemorrhoids, herpes simplex, infections, insect bites, […]
Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

An excellent oxygen boost for your health By, GHC Wellbeing Services First time I heard about the hyperbaric oxygen chamber I associated it to be a super flash, expensive treatment that only wounded athletes used for sport recovery. It wasn’t until I got more familiar with it, I started to see and learn more about […]
Who do I want to be during COVID-19?

Global Health Clinics, 409 Lake Road, Takapuna 0622
Why is Oxygen so crucial for your health?

By, Wellbeing Specialist We take our breathing for granted. Oxygen is important to every cell in your body. Did you know that Oxygen, through a process called oxidation, chemically changes our food and liquid into energy. This works when the mitochondria in our cells uses the oxygen we breathe in, to convert our food intake […]