Medical Hypnosis
Medical Hypnosis for Pain Management
Once we have eliminated the root causes of pain, the residual memory of pain may persist. This memory can be cleansed with Medical Hypnosis. Modifications of pain interpretation are possible by reprogramming the mind. Because the technology to accomplish this is so simple, it is often overlooked. This technology is called Medical Hypnosis. It can be remarkably effective once the root cause of the pain is optimally corrected.
Hypnosis is a natural trance-like state of heightened focus, concentration and suggestibility. Similar to the state when one is “zoned out” watching a movie or in that “timeless type of state” when with a loved one.
This state helps us access our unconscious mind to develop greater abilities to make changes in our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviours. Hypnosis can help to regain control of our unwanted “automatic” behaviours, habits and emotions.
How Can
Medical Hypnosis
Help Me?
We all learned that genetics not only determines our physical appearance but is also the cause of many diseases. Epigenetics focuses on changing environments and/or behaviours effects how your genes are expressed.
A powerful process to achieve this is by working with the subconscious mind. The subconscious part of the mind regulates our neurotransmitters and bodily systems.
An easy and effective way to rewire the mind is through hypnosis.
Medical hypnosis is a mental re-engineering technique that works to normalise the bodily systems. It can help with medical conditions for other reasons that can be seen here.
This can help in the treatment of many diseases as can be seen here.
Research in PsychoEndoNeuroImmunology shows that the emotional centres in the brain are connected with the immune system and hormonal system of the body. When we have an emotional response, our body is affected in a way that can cause medical diseases.
Functional MRI studies prove that with every thought or emotion, different areas of our brain are flooded with an electrical current that stimulates the release of neurochemicals. The neurochemicals produced by stress, anxiety, fear, worry, anger, grief, sadness, shame, etc. can impact our body in negative ways.
If these emotions persist, our brain rewires itself through a process called neuroplasticity.
Common Myths on Medical Hypnosis
MYTH: The Hypnotist will be able to control my mind
Fact: No one can control your mind unless you allow them. Medical hypnosis allows you to regain more powerful control of your mind in a way that is safe and effective for many health conditions. If you hear a suggestion that you don’t agree with or don’t understand, your unconscious mind automatically rejects it.
MYTH: I will be made to do something embarrassing
Fact: This assumption is based on Stage Hypnotism fiction. Stage hypnotists screen their volunteers to select those who are cooperative, with possible exhibitionist tendencies, as well as responsive to hypnosis. These selected subjects allow themselves to participate in acting out silly suggestions. Stage acts have created a myth about hypnosis that discourages people from seeking legitimate hypnosis.
MYTH: Hypnosis originates from “Black Magic” or is “Supernatural.”
Fact: Hypnosis is a natural state that has been studied scientifically and validated. Hypnotists are not psychics with “special powers.” Hypnosis is based on many years of clinical research by famous ground-breaking psychologists such as Dr. Sigmund Freud, Dr. Carl Jung, and Dr. Milton Erikson.
MYTH: Hypnosis is a “Miracle Cure.”
Fact: Although Hypnosis is an effective method of making natural and permanent changes, there is no guarantee of a one-time miracle cure. Everyone makes progress at their own rate and the number of sessions required can vary between individuals.
MYTH: I’ve never experienced Hypnosis before
Fact: Everyone naturally enters a state of hypnosis at least twice daily: just before falling asleep at night, and upon awaking each morning.
Additionally, most people easily enter “Environmental Hypnosis” states while watching TV, driving on the highway, or reading a good book.
MYTH: Hypnosis is a mind-control tool to get someone to “confess.”
Fact: Hypnosis sessions are kept private and confidential unless requesting otherwise. Hypnosis is not a method to force anyone to “tell the truth” or to “confess.”
MYTH: Self-Hypnosis is safer or more effective than going to a trained professional
Fact: Self-Hypnosis can be detrimental when not performed by a trained professional. Any negative attitude or belief about oneself can be reinforced regardless of suggestions given which may cause more problems in the long run.
MYTH: I cannot be hypnotised because my mind is too strong
Fact: The opposite is typically the case. A strong-minded individual can use this strength to allow hypnosis to work more effectively and gain more out of each session. The stronger the will to change, the more effective the session will be.
MYTH: When hypnotised, I can lose awareness of my surroundings, and will have no memory of the session
Fact: Hypnosis is not an unconscious state of sleep. In fact, most individuals report having a heightened sense of awareness, concentration, and focus. Hypnosis can give you a much higher perspective of reality.
MYTH: If I get Hypnotised, there’s a chance I may not “snap out of it.”
Fact: Hypnosis is not dangerous and is very safe. When under hypnosis we are in a state of hyper-awareness. If there is an emergency, a person would naturally be able to come out of hypnosis by simply opening their eyes and moving or speaking.
Medical Hypnosis can be used in conjunction with other Pain Management Techniques
Improve your success rate by combining Pain Management Techniques
- Mental reengineering using Neuro-Associative Conditioning
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Support Groups
- Medical Hypnosis combined with heart rate variability monitoring
- Hypnopuncture
- LaughGnosis, based on Dr. Bloom’s book, The HoHoHoliest Medicine, Exploring the Power of Divine Laughter.
- Dr Mitchell Bloom is a board-certified Medical Doctor who is passionate about helping you improve the quality of your life by using treatments that are specifically tailored for you.
Dr Mitch is constantly exploring new techniques and hypnotherapy methods providing various options for resolving difficult conditions. His programs promote positive change, reduce pain, and help remove past emotions and trauma as well as limiting beliefs, which can hold you back from improving and experiencing your full potential.