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What Really is Epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence. These changes can be influenced by environmental factors such as diet, stress, and exposure to toxins. In recent years, research has shown that epigenetic changes can have a significant impact on our health. Epigenetic changes can […]

How to Improve your Sleep Quality

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our daily routine. It allows our bodies to rest, recover, and rejuvenate. However, in today’s fast-paced world, sleep often takes a backseat, leading to various health problems. Getting quality sleep requires more than just laying down in bed and closing your eyes. It involves developing a […]

How to Live a More Eco-Friendly Life

Living a more eco-friendly life is becoming increasingly important as we begin to understand the impact our actions have on the environment. It’s a simple truth that we all need to start taking more responsibility for our actions if we want to preserve our planet for future generations. But what exactly does it mean to […]

Compassion, Gratitude and Forgiveness as subtle energy systems

Emotional or psychological Harmonics which help water structure most constructively into a symmetrical hexagon when it’s frozen are Compassion, Gratitude and Forgiveness.
It’s not accidental that the majority of the most important organic chemistry in our body is initially structured hexagonally from sugars for energy to nucleotides which build into DNA to basic hormones.

Holistic, Mind-Body and Energy Medicine

We all know that many people struggle with life however there are always torchbearers who lead humanity to a more liberated experience. These are some of the key people who have helped influence my thinking towards a more practical whole systems approach. Towards integration. The main scientific approach of our age has been towards reductionism […]

Bottling your emotions can shorten your life

Expressing your emotions effectively is very good for your health. People who bottle up their feelings are at least a third more likely to die young than those who regularly express what they’re feeling and thinking. The good news is that you can be proactive and not only reverse the trend but also completely rewire […]

Sleep – The Wonder Cure, Part 1

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How to Stay Mobile in Later Life

Written By: Admin We all want to age gracefully, and the idea of becoming immobile and stuck in a chair in later years is not an appealing prospect! So what can we do to prevent this? Read on for some helpful tips. ‘If you don’t move, you won’t move!’ Consider the two images above. Ask […]

Sugar and Your Health, Part 2

Written By: Shona Taunton Your Sugar Intake ‘Everything in moderation’ is a commonly heard phrase. But just how much is a moderate quantity of sugar? And does this moderate quantity keep you healthy, without adverse health effects? The following questions can be a helpful starting point to ask yourself in finding out if you would […]

Eat Your Way to Flawless Looking Skin

Cosmetics and skin care products are always thought to be very beneficial in treating skin conditions like, wrinkles, dry or oily skin, acne, inflammation etc. Though, treating the skin with topical cosmetics does very little to address the root cause of the blemishes. The skin is one of the main organs that gets rid of […]